Can bloggers be millionaires?

Bijgewerkt: 12 August 2023

Yes, that’s possible. This is difficult at first, but once you have found a working system it is a matter of perseverance. That’s what most bloggers are missing: discipline, creativity and perseverance.

When you start a blog website you need an audience. It is therefore important that you know how to attract the right audience. When that happens, it is important to build a loyal group of readers. That’s when you start making money.

Professional blogging

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Blogging is a profession, although many do it as a hobby. The real professionals can make millions. Take Shaqir Hussyin for example. He once started blogging and managed to generate almost $1 million in revenue in his first year. Today he offers training and webinars to help other bloggers.

Huffpost is a blogging site that earns more than $500 million annually. This website got a lot of criticism in the beginning because they copied articles from others. But in the end they followed their own strategy, and with success.

You may have heard of Business Insider. This is also a blog website, it was founded in 2007. This website became so popular that it was sold in 2015 for a whopping $442 million.

To become a professional blogger, you don’t need any education. But you have to have a lot of patience and perseverance. In addition, expertise and creativity are important. Without these features it has no chance of success.

It is not easy

Although bloggers can become (or are) millionaires, it is not an easy road to achieve this.

More than 95% of bloggers will never get beyond an average income. Of the 5% that remains, the majority manages to earn a double model income. Only 1% of all bloggers are so successful that they make millions. To be fair I think this is a little less than 1%.

Ways to make money blogging

Maybe you have a thriving website. Or do you want to set one up and make it a success. Many website owners are full of ideas and have wonderful ambitions. Unfortunately, the majority will be disappointed within 18 months. Their blogs are not very well visited and it hardly generates any income.

First it is important to consider how you want to make money. I am a successful blogger and I write for companies. But writing only for companies will never make me a millionaire. Unless I charge $10,000 per blog. I’m doing my best to find a willing customer who will pay for this.

More than 90% of my income does not come from paid assignments. No, it comes from affiliate marketing. This is a great revenue model that generates passive income every month.

All you have to do is build a popular blog site and promote products or services from companies or brands. Another option is to sell advertising space. You can also free up space for sponsored blogs. So there are different revenue models.

The key to success

Bloggers who have become millionaires owe it to sharing valuable content. You really need to publish top-notch content. This means that you spend enough time thinking about and creating content. You need content that your target audience is looking for. The content must be better than that of all your competitors combined.

You also need promotion. The easiest thing is to ensure that you rank high in Google and other search engines. A high position in the organic search results is free. It attracts a lot of traffic to your website and your position is maintained for a long time.

In addition, you should make use of social media networks to promote the content. But maybe also online advertising.

Becoming a millionaire and personal growth

Professional bloggers have two advantages. First of all, they make their money with this. A small number will be so successful that they will become millionaires.

Blogging is also very satisfying. It’s nice to see that more and more people are finding your blogs. In the end, people keep coming back to you. You have built a personal brand. This is good for your self-confidence. A successful blog site has a positive impact on your personal growth. I can know.

The difference between value and income

You should know that a blog with a value of 1 million euros is different from becoming a millionaire. A website with a monthly turnover of € 83,000 is easily worth 1 million. The value of a website is on average x12 the turnover.

Now, of course, it depends on the website whether it also has value. Suppose a handyman attracts customers through his blogs and earns € 3000 monthly. This does not mean that the website has a value of 12 x 3000 = € 36,000. It doesn’t work that way, because the value can only be calculated over a stable income, without having to work as a handyman yourself.

Therefore, a value calculation only applies to websites that generate passive income. Many blog websites do that. You can recognize these websites by the promotion of brands or products, by visible advertisements or by the presence of guest blogs.

This is how you make a million dollar blog

Becoming a millionaire through blogging is quite a challenge. Yet it is feasible. But only for 1% (or less) of bloggers. When you hear this you tend not to start, because the chance of success is so small. But hey, you have to dare to take risks in life. If you don’t try anything you will never know later if you could have been a millionaire.

There are a number of things you need to turn a blog into $1 million. The first thing you need is a lot of time and patience. You should not think that you are a millionaire in the first year of blogging. Although a few have succeeded, this is very difficult in practice.

Time is an important investment. Bloggers who publish at least 16 times a month are much more successful than most others. You should know that most bloggers only publish once a week or eight times a month at the most. This is too little to build success.

Create high-quality content

Besides time, content is also very important. It is the determining factor if you can turn your blog into a million dollar website. High-quality content means adding value, being current and relevant, but also creating compelling topics. You not only have to attract new audiences, but also know how to retain them. And encourage them to keep coming back.

First choose a niche in which you want to blog. Make sure all your blogs fit within the niche. Think carefully about topics that are related to this, and in which your target group is interested.

It is very important that the content of your blogs provide added value. They should be helpful or answer questions. By using the right search terms, your blogs will be found better in search engines.

Dare to ask for help

Did you really think that all those successful websites are doing it all by themselves? Some have certainly built millions in income on their own. But there are many more successful sites that get help from professional bloggers. So dare to hire a blogger.

Before you spend money on a blogger, do your research on the qualities. The worst choice is a blogger who may charge as much as € 200 per blog, and who cannot manage to get your blogs to rank high in search engines.

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Build an audience

When your first blogs are online, it is important to build an audience. Interact with your readers and grow your social media channels. Build an email list to maintain relationships with existing readers.

Possibly use different promotions to get attention. You can even advertise. It may seem strange to spend money when you want to become a millionaire, but the chances of success are higher.

The two best investments are hiring a professional blogger and advertising. If you have a budget, try to divide it over these two investments. It’s more than worth it. But not necessarily, because if you are already a professional blogger then you know how to quickly build a good audience.

I wish you good luck with your blogs. If I can help you with anything, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Bianca schreef meer dan 50.000 artikelen voor het internet. "SEO is mijn missie, ik help anderen om hoger in Google te komen". Met zoveel geschreven onderwerpen, SEO- en marketingkennis is ze het startpunt voor elke (nieuwe) website. Een opdracht plaatsen of meer weten over de voordelige tarieven? Vraag vandaag nog de tarievenkaart aan.

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